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Red (Element)

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This article is about the Red (Element) for Chrono Cross. For other elements, see Element Lists.

Here are various Red elements used in Chrono Cross.

Name Allocation
Type Target Description
Tablet 1/0 Consumable One Ally Restores HP (small)
TurnRed 1/7 Magic One Enemy/Ally Turn enemy's attribute / ally's attacks red
Fireball 1/7 Magic One Enemy Hurls spheres of flames at enemy
Ointment 2/0 Consumable One Ally Heals burns and red status effects
MagmaBomb 2/6 Magic All Enemies Launches a volley of fireballs at enemies
AntiBlue (*) 3/5 Magic One Enemy Temporarily seals blue Elements
FirePillar 3/5 Magic One Enemy Burns enemy in a pillar of flames. Inflicts Burns.
Strengthen 4/4 Magic Singly Ally Temporarily increases your attack power
Weaken 4/4 Magic One Enemy Temporarily decreases enemy's attack power
MagmaBurst 4/4 Magic One Enemy Makes lava gush out from beneath enemy. Inflicts Confuse.
RedField 5/3 Field Effect All Enemies & Allies Colors all field attributes red
Inferno 5/0 Trap All Enemies Set trap to catch Inferno Element
Inferno 5/3 Magic All Enemies Heats air to a burning-hot temperature. Inflicts Burns.
Recharge (*) 6/0 Magic One Ally Recovers a used Element for re-use
Ninety-Nine (*) 6/2 Magic One Ally Temporarily keeps Hit% of basic attacks at 99%
Volcano 6/0 Trap All Enemies Set trap to catch Volcano Element
Volcano (*) 6/2 Magic All Enemies Induces an enormous volcanic eruption. Inflicts Burns.
RedWolf 7/0 Trap All Enemies Set trap to catch RedWolf Element
RedWolf (*) 7/2 Summon All Enemies Summons a fire wolf to create a sea of flames. Inflicts Burns.
Salamander (*) 8/0 Summon All Enemies Use salamander's breath to incinerate enemies. Inflicts Burns.