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Denadoro Mountains

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Denadoro Mountains

Denadoro Mts.
Time Period Middle Ages
Bosses fought Masa & Mune
Music played Boss Battle 2, The Cathedral, Creeping through the Sewers

Denadoro Mountains (デナドロ山?) is a location in Chrono Trigger. It appears in Middle Ages east of Dorino and north of Porre. Split by a river and many gorgeous waterfalls, the terrain here is partly rocky precipice and part submerged in forest. To fully scale the mountain, many crisscrossing paths must be adventured. A scenic skyline can be viewed nearest the mountain's peak. Adventuring here is required for receive the Broken Blade segment of the Masamune.

Story[edit | edit source]

Cyrus is slain

Cyrus and Glenn travel to Denadoro Mountain sometime before the Middle Ages, at the request of Queen Leene, in search of the Masamune. Finding the cave in the mountain where the sword is hidden, Cyrus and his squire are intercepted by Magus and Ozzie, who are also searching for the relic. A brief battle unfolds and Cyrus is slain. Magus taunts Glenn into avenging his now dead friend, but Glenn, fearful, attempts to flee. Moving only a few inches, the wizard strikes him down with a powerful spell that sends him shooting down into the caynon below and transforms him into a frog-man. As Glenn falls, he drops the Hero's Badge, which is later recovered by Tata, a would-be knight.

Glenn transforms

Believing Magus is responsible for Lavos' destruction of the Future, Crono scales the mountain in search of Masamune, newly fitted with magical abilities and battles the guardians of the sword, Masa & Mune. After defeating them, he discovers only a fragment of the sword remains stuck in the stone. They remove it and meet Melchior, the sword's forger, for instruction on repairing it.

Info[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • If the treasure chest containing the Mirage Hand is opened. Later, during one of Frog's custscenes, the same chest will appear opened, although the event technically happens before it was ever opened.
  • In the official game guide for the SNES version of Chrono Trigger, one of the chests in Denadoro Mountains is listed as containing a Mid-Potion, when it, in fact, contains a Mid Ether