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Queen Aliza

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Queen Aliza
What Aliza may have looked like.
Home Time Present
Home Area Guardia Castle
Family King Guardia XXXIII (husband)
Marle (daughter)
Queen Leene (descendant)
Gender Female
Friends / Colleagues Chancellor
Guardia Knights

"You were so young! You ran around saying 'Daddy, it's fun having all my favorite people here!' Seeing you so happy, she felt reassured and she left us quite peacefully."
King Guardia XXXIII speaks to Marle about Aliza's Death

Queen Aliza is a character in Chrono Trigger. She is Marle's mother that died when Marle was like around 3-5. Her last words were "Someday when Nadia grows up, she will bring her beloved to meet you. Welcome him warmly. It will be the day you remember forever." Yakra XIII (disguised as the Chancellor), as part of his evil plan to take over the land, lies to Marle about her mother, saying that the King neglected her even during her final moments. There is not much known about Aliza, except she was the Queen of Guardia.


  • In The Queen Returns chapter; When Lucca describes how leaving Queen Leene to die as a captive of the Fiends would ultimately result in Marle (Princess Nadia) never being born, a scene showing the progression in birth of the female side of the Guardia family, from Queen Leene to Marle, follows her description. In the scene, the game uses the same sprite as Queen Leene for Queen Aliza. This is the closest visual representation of Queen Aliza in the game.