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Dead Beat

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Dead Beat
Japanese Name モウジャダマ (Moujadama, lit. Dead Lump)
Type Zombie
Gender Varies
Doppelgang Yes

The Dead Beat is an enemy appearing in Chrono Cross. Found aboard the S.S. Invincible and in the Isle of the Damned (Home World), Dead Beats take on the appearance of a skull with four legs. They have gaping blue mouths, alongside what appears to be, in place of a tongue, a soul protruding out of their mouths. Dead Beats can be trapped in the Forget-Me-Not Pot and added to the pool of Doppelgangs performed by Sprigg.

Battle and Strategy[edit | edit source]

Dead Beats usually appear in pairs, sometimes accompanied by Crossbones or Wraiths onboard S.S. Invincible and WillO'Wisps in the Isle of the Damned. Dead Beats use the 'soul' in their mouths as a weapon of sorts, which they swing at their foes, inflicting fairly heavy damage to characters with low defenses. Dead beats tend to gain additional health and defense the longer they remain alive in battle. They will also attempt to use HellSoul quite a number of times in a single battle alone, so it is strongly advised to take them out as soon as possible. Additionally, stealing their rare Iron is worthwhile, as the metal is difficult to obtain through other means.

Element Grid[edit | edit source]
