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Sea Swallow

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Sea Swallow

Serge wielding the Sea Swallow
Japanese Name シースワロー
Equipment Type Swallow
Description A large oar made from a giant fishbone.
Attack + 6-8 (20%)
Hit % + 0
Sell Cannot be sold.
Materials Cannot be disassembled.

Sea Swallow is Serge's starting weapon in Chrono Cross. It has a brown shaft with two gray shell shaped blades on both ends. It gives Serge + 5 Atk and +4 Hit %. This weapon is supposedly an heirloom from his father, Wazuki.

Trvia[edit | edit source]

  • Swallows are based on Eku, an oriental weapon which literally translates to blades on a staff. The name Swallow likely emerged due to the shape of the blades which strongly resemble the birds of the same name.
  • Swallow may be an allusion to Crono's katana in Chrono Trigger, which also bears the name Swallow.

Gallery[edit | edit source]