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Japanese Name ポーション
SNES/PSX Name Tonic
Equipment Type Consumable Item
Description Medicine that restores a small amount of HP.
Effect Restores 50 HP
Price 10 Gold
Sell 5 Gold
Won From Amanita
Royal Guard
Green Imp

The Potion (also known as Tonic in the SNES/PS version) is a consumable item in Chrono Trigger and Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Hōseki.

In Chrono Trigger, potions restore 50 HP of a single party member. Potions can be purchased from all vendors for 10G, and can be sold for 5G.

In Radical Dreamers, potions are found as random loot after a battle. Only Serge consumes potions, which heal his health pool fully. Potions can only be used once. The stew in the Kitchenette serves as an alternative to potions.