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User:Zeypher/CT Walkthrough

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Chrono Trigger
Game System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Zeypher (Talk)
Last Updated
16:55, June 19, 2010 (UTC)
Version 1.2

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to my version of what I believe is the greatest RPG ever made by Square or any other company out there. Yes, that is saying a lot but at the very least it created a huge footstep into the way games are made today. This is my first walkthrough ever that I wish to embark. I've been wanting to replay Chrono Trigger and create my own version of a walkthrough for awhile now, but never got the chance to do it yet. From beginning to end without the use or help from other walkthroughs. I would still use other walkthroughs as a references but nothing more, nothing less. I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it, but this will be the page I will do it in. For now, I will leave it as that. I'll probably update my Personal Comment Page of any major improvement of this walkthrough.

Dedication[edit | edit source]

There are a few dedication I like to make:

  • First of all, dedicating this to the fans still out for Chrono Trigger
  • Dedicate to this Square in hope to create another great landmark game as this
  • To my wife who is showed me support

Basics[edit | edit source]

Controls[edit | edit source]

I'm sure everyone knows how the controls are for the game, but this is mostly here for any newies who didn't grow up from the SNES/Genesis generation like I did. This of course assuming you know how the SNES controller look like, if not.. here's a pic:

Button Function
A Confirm, Enter a place
B Dash, cancel
Y Switch battle screen sides
X Bring up menu screen
Start Pauses the game
Select Views the world map
L Hold with R when you want to escape from battle
R Hold with L when you want to escape from battle
Directional Pad Moves the character around

Note: I am using an SNES emulator for this walkthrough. I can no longer play games from the SNES console no matter how hard I blow dust out of the catridge and catridge holder.

Combat[edit | edit source]

Now this will be the extreme basics of how Chrono Trigger battle combat system works. More advance combat will probably be mentioned when I start getting into battle strategies against bosses and the works. First of all, once you press on new game you have the option to choose between "Active" (Your Oppenent will continue attacking you even if you're selecting moves or items) or "Wait" (When you are selecting items, or techs the enemies will halt it's attack). For beginner, I will suggest "Wait". For more advance players that want a challenge choose the other, "Active". Now once in battle, you will need to wait for your bar to fill up similar to other Final Fantasy ATB system. Once filled, you can choose to "ATTACK" with your weapon or fist (Ayla), use TECH (a special move), or ITEM (from your inventory). If you choose anything other than item, it will cause the enemy to lose HP (Hit Points) and vice versa until the enemy dies. Now this is when it starts getting complex: When two or more player bar is filled up TECH get replaced with COMB which uses MP (Magic Points). These allow you to use dual or triple tech (if all three are filled) which are much more effective.

Now like any other RPG, there are status abnormalities:

  • Poison: Your HP slowly goes down with attacks being weaker
  • Sleep: You cannot attack with your defense also weak.
  • Blind: Lowers the chance that your attack will hit
  • Stop: Can't attack or use items
  • Slow: Lowers the time between your attacks
  • Chaos: Your character attacks a random person (Ally or Enemy)
  • Lock: You are forbidden to use techs

And like any typically RPG, after you win the battle, you will receive some experience point (which in turn when gather enough you will level up) and tech points (TP). You also can accumalate TP, once you gain enough you can learn techs. The enemies also drops G (Gold or even Gil... I don't think they really specified.)

Characters[edit | edit source]

Note: The opening statements shown in italic font are character description that were taking from the original instruction manuel from the Final Fantasy Chronicles game for Playstation.

Crono[edit | edit source]

Truce Village, 1000 AD

"Crono lives in Truce Village in the year 1000 AD with his mother. He is a centent teenager until his friend Marle mysteriously disappears in an experimental teleportation device. He courageously takes on the task of traveling through time to find his lost friend. A fine swordsman, Crono demonstrates extraordinary skill with the katana."

He is the original silent protagonist whom you will control for 90-95% of the game. (If you don't know why it isn't 100%, it will be revealed later on) His weapon type consist of Katanas and once he gain magic, his element will be "Lightning". From the intro of the game, he is shown to be a normal person who very protective and supportive of his friends. Being a "silent" protagonist, he doesn't have a single line (except for one particular ending which he has a few lines of dialogue) and the only signs of communication he has is his multiple gestures and reaction that are applied to the player and other characters.

Marle[edit | edit source]

Guardia Castle, 1000 AD

"Marle lives in the year 1000 AD in Guardia Castle. Posing as a commoner, Marle is actually Princess Nadia of the Kingdom of Guardia. Her mother, Aliza, died when she was young and Marle now lives with her father, the king of Guardia. She meets Crono and Lucca at the Millennial Fair in Leene Square. She despises royal life and longs for the freedom of common life. Her beauty is matched only by her desire for freedom from royal burdens."

Marle is the tomboy princess of Guardia whom you found out later in the story. Her real name is Nadia who is often at odds with her father, the king. After slipping out to the Millennial Fair in Leene Square where you the player will meet first each other, she tries out Lucca's teleporter. Due to a reaction from her [[pendant], it creates a time warp and thus begins your journey of time travel in order to rescue her. She is characterized as vivacious, optimistic and strong-willed. Marle uses a crossbow as her weapon and when she gains the ability to use magic, she learns to use the "Ice" elemental and very powerful healing spells.

Lucca[edit | edit source]

Truce Village, 1000 AD

"She lives with her parents near Truce Village in the year 1000 AD. More comfortable around books and machinery than around people, she does not have many friends her own age. A brilliant inventor, Lucca creates a device known as a telepod that is said to be able to instantly transport a person from one location to another. She uses her cunning and creativity to make new inventions and weapons."

Lucca is a brilliant inventor and Crono's childhood friend in Truce. Using her intelligence and creativity, Lucca invented many devices, such as a battle-training robot named Gato and a short-range teleporter. Yet with the reactiong of Marle's pendant it caused the device to transport her back in time, which leads to the quest to save history. Lucca battles with a gun and hammer, and when spells become available she learns to cast "Fire" element magic.

Frog[edit | edit source]

600 AD

"A valiant knight of the Guardia kingdom in 600 AD, Frog relinquishes his post as the queen's protector after failing to prevent the disappearance of his queen, Leene. Frog is looking to avenge the death of his comrade. He is a powerful swordsman who wields the mythical sword, Masamune."

Frog is a knight from 600 AD time period, whose real name is Glenn. He was presumably a squire under Cyrus, a "Knight of the Square Table." Glenn had a notably close, although platonic, friendship with Queen Leene. He later witnessed Cyrus's death at the hands of Magus, and shortly afterwards, was transformed into an anthropomorphic frog by the dark wizard. Frog dedicates his life to protecting Queen Leene and vows to avenge Cyrus by killing Magus. Frog wields a broadsword and can learn "Water" magic once he meets Spekkio; like Marle, he also features a few healing techs.

Robo[edit | edit source]

2300 AD

"Robo is searching for his lost past and striving to improve the future. Upon finding the broken down machine, Lucca repairs Robo. In return, the robot chooses to fight alongside Crono and his friends. Robo uses advanced weaponry from the future to strike fear into all who challenge him."

Robo is a robot originally created to assist humans at the Proto Dome. His real name is Prometheus with a serial number of R-66Y. Having a curious and bright personality, he was rendered dormant by the apocalypse in 1999 AD, but is found and repaired by Lucca in the year 2300 AD. Upon his reactivation, Robo has no memory of his prior mission and joins the party. He uses his robotic arm as a weapon and although Spekkio cannot grant him the power to use magic (Spekkio being unable to properly read his character), Robo can use laser attacks that are similar to Shadow magic.

Ayla[edit | edit source]

65000000 BC

"Ayla, a feral cavewoman from the distant past, is a chief of Ioka Village. She is seeking allies to defend her village against the threatening dino-human Reptites. Recruiting Crono and his friends, Ayla and her people must battle the Reptites for control over history itself. On the battlefield Ayla is unmatched in raw power and ferocity."

Ayla is the chief of the Ioka tribe in 65,000,000 BC. Her people are in constant war against the Reptites, an evolved, intelligent race of reptiles. She is characterized as fiercely courageous, decisively confident, and morally pure. After Lavos hits the planet, dust blasts into the atmosphere and blocks out the sun. This causes an ice age and the extinction of the Reptites; Ayla subsequently retires from her duties as chief. Ayla cannot use magic because she was born before humans became genetically capable of doing so. She relies on unarmed combat and physical prowess in battle.

Magus[edit | edit source]


"Magus lives in the year 600 AD but may have come from other era. Magus is bent on destruction for reasons yet unknown. A master of Shadow Magic, Magus is a dark force to be reckoned with."

Magus is the dark wizard waging war against the Kingdom of Guardia in 600 AD. Magus was originally Janus the young prince of Zeal in Antiquity (12000 BC). He is portrayed as brooding, potent, and gloomy. He had a very deep history with Frog (Glenn) and Cyrus. You have a choice later in the game to have him join your party. He has the magical power of Shadow.

Story[edit | edit source]

Note: This is the very basic story version. For more details, continue to read on. No spoilers right here.

As the story begins, a young lad named Crono (whom hyou can rename at the very beginning) is woking up by his mother to remind him of the fair. Thus you begin setting off to have some good time at the Millennial Fair. There's a presention from his friend, Lucca there which she and her father plan to show off her new invention. On the way, he runs in to a young lady named Marle, and they decide to spend a good time together. You can do a variety of different things before heading up to see Lucca. Finally, Crono and Marle go up to see Crono's friend's new invention-- a telepod. Lucca ask for a volunteer but no one is willing, except you... Crono. He sets in and is instantly transpoted into the other pod. Marle decides to steps up to try out the Telepod. After a little while her that she wears star to react and begins to glow and within an instant Marle disappears in to a large, blue vortex. Everyone is left in a panic. Like the hero he is, Crono grabs the pendant and tries to go after her (Whom I might add is a chick he has known for all of five minutes). Thus begins your journey through time and the epic game of Chrono Trigger.

Time Periods[edit | edit source]

There are a variety of different time period you were experience throughout this epic quest to save the future. Here they are:

  1. 65,000,000 BC: The Prehistoric Ages
  2. 12,000 BC: The Dark Ages
  3. 600 AD: The Middle Ages
  4. 1000 AD: Present time period
  5. 1999 AD: The apocalypse
  6. 2300 AD: The Future
  7. End of Time

Menu[edit | edit source]

There are various menu screen you will include throughout the game, here are some pictures and description of it all:

When you press the X Button it will bring up the menu screen. The first thing to pop up are tabs to varies other screens:

  • Status & Equipment
  • Items
  • Tech & Magic
  • Configuration
  • Party Formation
  • Saving

This tab shows:

  • Current level
  • Current HP / Maximum HP
  • Current MP/ Maximum MP
  • Current Attack Power
  • Current Defense Power
  • Time Played
  • Current G (Currency)
  • Statistics
    • Power (PWR): Affects the power of a physical attack
    • Hit Accuracy (HIT): Determines the accuracy of an attack
    • Speed (SPD): Affects length of time before commands can be entered
    • Magic (MGC): Affects effectiveness of magic attacks
    • Evade (EV): Probability of evading enemy attacks
    • Stamina (STAM): Affects the rate of HP increase at Level UP
    • Magic Defense (M DEF): Defense power against enemy magic attacks
  • Type of Magic (In this case, Lightning)
  • Weapons, armor, and accessories currently equipped
  • Experience points
  • Finally, experience points necessary for the next level UP

That is the Item Screen. You can use, move, or organize items.

  • Check Tech and Magic
    • You can check the Tech and Magic skills that your party members possess. You can change screens to view and select Dual Tech or Triple Tech. When accessible, the characters required for each Combo will be displayed on the left side of the screen, and the individual Tech skills that compose each Combo will be displayed on the bottom of the screen.
  • Using Tech and Magic
    • Tech and Magic names (Magic names will have a star beside them) will be displayed in three colors. Those in white can only be used during battle, those in yellow can be used during battle as well as well as on the menu screen, and those in gray cannot be used yet (Currently trying to learn). Characters can learn Tech and Magic skills after acquiring a certain number of Tech Points (which you gain from winning battle). By selecting a Tech or Mgic skill displayed in gray, you can check how many more Tech Points are required to learn it.

The next tab is the configuration screen where you can set game settings to your liking:

  • Stereo Sound: Stereo sound when ON, Monaural when OFF
  • Battle Mode: Changes time flow during battle
    • Active: Enemies take action during battle regardless of whether commands are being entered
    • Wait: Enemy actions stop while Tech and Item windows are open
  • Save Menu Cursor Position:This function sets the cursor position for the Menu Screen and for each Menu command
    • No (N): The cursor will always return to its default position, at the left side (or top left corner) of the menu
    • Yes (Y): The cursor will remain at the previously selected location
  • Save Battle Cursor Position: This function sets the cursor position for battle commands during battle
    • No (N): The cursor will always return to Attack (Att)
    • Yes (Y): The cursor will remain at the previously selected location
  • Save Skill/Item Cursor Position: This function sets the cursor position for Tech and Item windows during battle
    • No (N): The cursor will always return to the top left corner of each window
    • Yes (Y): The cursor will remain at the previously selected location
  • Battle Speed: The function sets the battle message speed and the battle gauge fill rate. The top represents the battle gauge, and the bottom represents message speed. The large the number, the slower the gauge or message speed. Set speed with the left and right directional buttons
  • Window: The function sets window patterns. Slect the pattern you like with the left or right directional buttons
  • Battle Gauge: This function sets the window content visble during battle. Select from the following three types
    • OFF: Party member names, current HP/ max HP, current MP/ max MP
    • 1: Party member names, current HP, current MP, battle gauge
    • 2: Current HP, current MP, party member names, battle gauge
  • Controllers: You can change the controller button settings. The default state is "Standard". Just press the controller option and customize to however you like. For this guide, I will use the standard controllers
  • Skill/Item Informaiton: You may turn on/off the Tech and Item description window during battle

When you're on the overworld map, or at a save point, you can use this to switch the order of your characters. This will be accessible later in the game.

This is the save screen. You can only save in a save point or in the overworld map.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

The Millennial Fair: 1000 AD[edit | edit source]

The Beginning

At the title screen you would obviously pick new game, or if you've already finished the game you would have the option to select the New Game+ Option. (But I will get into that much later in the walkthrough). Now, let's assume you haven't or want to play it again, we pick New Game. After selecting that, you will be asked what battle mode you want to play in. Either "Active" or "Wait". Select Active for a more challenging game which means the enemies will not wait for you to finish and let you choose your moves. For a more strategic battle, you can select "Wait" in which they will wait only when you're in the Magic/Item screen choosing something. After that, you can get to choose our Hero name. For this walkthrough, I would stick with the default, Crono.



Finally we get into the game. At the beginning the opening scene plays with some sort of firework display and then it brings you into Crono's room. Your mom comes in to wake you up. After you wake up, head downstairs. Your mom will be waiting by the stairs, when you converse with her, she will mention something about your friend, (Choosing default name) Lucca. Don't forget to talk to your mom again, she's very forgetful these days. She then remembers to give you your allowance of 200G. Now exit Crono's house and head into the World Map. In which, your character sprite will be extra small and almost unrecognizable. Well, except for the crazy hair. :D Before, we progress into the story further, let's explore a bit. Feel free to skip along if you like, but you will missing out on some goodies.



Once you get out, start heading southwest to one of the houses and enter the Mayor's Manor. Once you get near to it, some title should appear above. Here is where you learn more about Weapons, items, save points, shelters, techniques (Aka Techs), battle system tips etc by speaking to a variety of different people throughout the house. Before you leave, make sure to take the Tonic from the chest at the lower floor chest and grab the 100G at the upstair chest. Also there's a man in the middle of the room upstair if talked to TWICE, he will offer you 300G. Once completed, head to the World Map again. Now there's really nothing else interesting, unless of course you want to gain more information or just talk to random people. So, now let's go ahead onto Leene's Square. It's north of Crono's house.


Now this place has a lot of activity going on. Upon entering, you may noticed there are characters just running around in circles. These four characters are racers who you can vote on and won't be able to talk to. Other than that, you can talk to everyone else, some will sell stuff like items, equipment, and accessories. Now, as in most country fair they are some type of point or raffle system they use which can only be use there. Leene's Square is no exception, here they use Silver Points and you can win some by participating in different mini-games. You may participate in some now if you like, but let's go ahead and we'll come back to the games later.

Head straight, up the stairs. You'll see a girl running around Leene's Bell. In order to progress, you'll need to collide with her. She will lost her pendent, go grab it and give it back to her. You can pick her name as well, but I'll leave it as Marle. After which she will ask to join you, say yes (you really can't say so, she is very persistent) and she will follow you around. Now, let's head back and have some fun in Lenne Square.

Here are the list of mini-games that you can play here:

1. Ring the Bell!

  • It is found in the southwestern portion of the first section of Leene’s Square. Your goal here is to time it just right so that Crono can ring the bell. If you win, you’ll receive 1 Silver Point. Note: This is the second easiest game here at Leene’s Square.

2. Guess the Winner!

  • It is found around the middle the square right next to guy with all those weapons. Talk to the person standing in the blue tent, which is to the right of the fountain. Remember those people running around. He will let you guess who will be the winner in the next race. The racers’ names are, G.I. Jogger (G.I. Joe), Steel Runner (Armored Knight), Green Ambler (Alien), and Catalack (a Cat!). If you try to talk to him while the race is going on, he will not entertain you. Wait for the race to finish before talking to the man. If you win, the man will give you 20 Silver Points as a prize. It's pretty hard to guess (unless of course you have the emulator, you can save before the race start, guess, if wrong, load and pick right one... yes it's cheating but it isn't like it defines the whole game). But there's a way if you aren't able to do the same technique. There is a old man near the starting line. He will try to guess the winner for the next race. He isn't always right, but sometimes he does guess correctly. So whenever you're tired of guessing, talk to him before the race for a hint.

3. Norstein Bekkler’s Lab

  • This is located in the eastern portion of the first section of Leene’s Square. It is in a large pink tent with a skull at the entrance. You can't miss it! This place is pure fun. But you'll need silver points prior before playing. You can select the amount of 10, 40, or 80 Silver Points that can be placed as bet.
    • At 10 Silver Points, you get to play a game where you must find a certain person among the 3. The people are Vicks (Biggs), Wedge, and Piette. They will change places fast. One advantage is try and memorize 2 people only. Example, watch Vicks(Biggs) and Wedge’s movement. When the clown asks you where Vicks or Wedge, you’ll be able to identify the 2. The one whom you didn’t follow his movement will be Piette. Now if you guess correctly, you win a Poyozo Doll to use as a decoration for Crono’s House. A nice info to know is that the Poyozo Dolls on the second floor of Crono’s house will change the music if you examine it.
    • At 40 Silver Points, you get to play a mimic game. All you have to do is to Mimic or Copy the movement of the clone using the designated buttons, L=Left Arm, R=Right Arm, Y=Laugh, A=Surprise. If you managed to mimic everything, you’ll win a Clone of Crono that you can use also to decorate Crono’s House
    • At 80 Silver Points, you get to play a Push the monster game. Your goal in this game is to prevent your character (in this case, Marle), who is hanged just above a flame, and push the 3 coins to be able to put monsters into the door at the back. It’s quite challenging. You’re pushing the coins at the same time preventing your character from being fried. If you see a blue light appear at your left side, examine it to raise the rope a bit, then continue pushing those monsters back. If you win, you’ll get a cat. These cats will be brought to Crono’s House. You can win as many cats as you want. When you go to Crono’s house, you’ll see all the cats you’ve won roaming around the house. You're mom must be pissed with all this cats. Lol.

4. Soda Guzzling Contest

  • This is found in the eastern portion of the second section (up the stairs where you first found Marle) of Leene’s Square. Your goal is to drink up 8 cans of Soda within a certain time limit. Press the A button as fast as you can to drink the cans. Turbo enabled controllers have the advantage here. All they have to do is to hold the A button, which make it quite easy. If you managed to drink the 8 cans, you’ll receive 5 Silver Points. Now the final game is:

5. Beat Gato!

  • This monster you're fighting was invented by Lucca herself. (You'll meet her later) It is located in the second section of Leene’s Square, head all the way to the west past the old man with his food until you reach the robot, Gato. This mini-game will train your characters in battle. If you managed to beat Gato, which I’m sure you will, you’ll receive 10 Experience Points and 15 Silver Points. All you have to do is to attack! You're HP won't heal at the end of battle, so you can only battle for so long. You're not exactly rich to buy tonics at this point. Until it is New Game+. (Note: If you return here with Ayla, you can charm Gato and receive a Power Meal)

Now, back to the walkthrough. After you’ve played these mini-games, you can visit the Tribal Dance if you like. It doesn't really affect anything, just show you the various expressiong Crono can do. It is located to the Northeast of the second section of Leene’s Square. You can push the buttons to make your characters dance, laugh, and even surprise them.

Now there are certain activity that you can do in Leen's Square that will affect what happens to you in later part of the game. If you want to get a more positive outlook, do the following. If not simply do the opposite. You can do it at any order you like or follow my steps. Up to you.

  1. Head over to Melchior (The Weapons Merchant you can found in the first section of Leene's Square) who is standing next to a women. Talk to her first and then to Melchior. After you buy or don't buy his merchandise, he will ask if you can persuade Marle into selling her pendant. Just say no!
  2. In the second section (where you bumped into Marle), head over to the western area, there'll be an old man walking with his lunch/food on the table. Just leave it there and don't eat it (even if it makes Marle giggle) or else you will be tempted of getting it.
  3. Head over to the eastern area of the same spot, you'll find a girl who her cat. You might remember seeing a cat by the old man. Talk to her first and then examine the kitty (You would know when you hear a mew). It will follow you, so direct it back to the girl. Talk to her once more and she'll thank you.

Now, let's head into the main story. You can pretty much talk to anyone, but just as a reference head to the fountain at the center of the 1st section at Leene's Square. There'll be a girl sitting there. After talking to her, she will announced that Lucca and her dad has finished their invention. Head all the way up north from the 1st through to the 2nd section. Before you can head up the third section, Marle will decide that she wants candy. Now this is the the last thing that could affect you later in the game. Don't move at all, it may take a little while she will pick something eventually. Then, after buying the candy (don't worry you don't buy it for her lol) head north and soon after Taban will introduce their invention, The Teleportation Device. Once you gain control of Crono, talk to Lucca and she will ask to try out their invention. Head to left pod and you will teleport to the other. You can do this as much as you want.

If you are in the New Game+ Mode, you’ll notice a shining dot in the right pod of Lucca’s Device. If you examine it now, you’ll fight Lavos right away in the hardest level of the game and you'll need to fight Lavos ALONE. Upond defeating Lavos, there’ll be a new ending waiting for you.

Now talk to Marle, and she will want to try it out herself, YET something goes terribly wrong. Her pendent starts growing, you'll hear dramatic music playing. Her pendant somehow created a portal or a gate and she is sucked into it. And everyone FREAKS OUT! Once you gain control, examine the pendant, and Crono decides to follow after her and found out what happened. Lucca will tell Crono after she finds out what happens she will will follow him later. The main theme starts to play and you will get sucked into the gate as well and thus travel through time. Now you're real adventure of Crono will start and what a journey it is!

The Queen Returns: 600 AD[edit | edit source]


Power Glove


The Queen is Gone: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

We're Back: 1000 AD[edit | edit source]

The Trial: 1000 AD[edit | edit source]

Beyond the Ruins: 2300 AD[edit | edit source]

The Factory Ruins: 2300 AD[edit | edit source]

The End of Time[edit | edit source]

The Village of Magic: 1000 AD[edit | edit source]

The Hero Appears: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

Tata and the Frog: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

The Rare Red Rock: 65,000,000 BC[edit | edit source]

Footsteps! Follow!: 65,000,000 BC[edit | edit source]

The Masamune!: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

Magus's Castle: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

Forward to the Past: 65,000,000 BC[edit | edit source]

Unnatural Selection?: 65,000,000 BC[edit | edit source]

The Magic Realm: 12,000 BC[edit | edit source]

Break the Seal!: 65,000,000 BC[edit | edit source]

The Guru on Mt. Woe: 12,000 BC[edit | edit source]

What Lies Beyond?: 12,000 BC[edit | edit source]

Lavos Beckons: 12,000 BC[edit | edit source]

The New King: 12,000 BC[edit | edit source]

The Time Egg: 2300 AD[edit | edit source]

The Fated Hour[edit | edit source]

The Ghost of Cyrus: 600/1000 AD[edit | edit source]

Ozzie's Fort: 600 AD[edit | edit source]

The Sun Stone: All AD/BC[edit | edit source]

The Origin of Machines: 2300 AD[edit | edit source]

The Rainbow Shell: 600/1000 AD[edit | edit source]

Saving a Forest: 600/1000 AD[edit | edit source]

The Black Omen: 12,000-1000 BC/AD[edit | edit source]

THE FINAL BATTLE: 1999 AD[edit | edit source]

Appendices[edit | edit source]

Tech Lists[edit | edit source]

Character Tech Type
Crono Single Techs Lightning
Marle Single Techs Ice
Lucca Single Techs Fire
Frog Single Techs Water
Robo Single Techs N/A
Ayla Single Techs N/A
Magus Single Techs Shadow

Crono's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image
Cyclone 2 MP Physical damage All enemies in a radius of the target
Slash 2 MP Physical damage A line of enemies between the character and the target enemy
Lightning 2 MP Lightning magic One Enemy
Spincut 4 MP Physical damage One Enemy
Lightning 2 8 MP Lightning magic All enemies
Life 10 MP Heals or protects your party One ally
Confuse 12 MP Physical damage One enemy
Luminaire 20 MP Lightning magic All enemies

Marle's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image
Aura 1 MP Heals or protects your party One ally N/A
Provoke 1 MP One enemy N/A
Ice 2 MP Ice magic One Enemy N/A
Cure 2 MP Heals or protects your party One ally N/A
Haste 6 MP One ally N/A
Ice 2 8 MP Ice magic All enemies N/A
Cure 2 5 MP Heals or protects your party One ally N/A
Life 2 15 MP One ally N/A

Lucca's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image

Frog's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image

Robo's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image

Ayla's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image

Magus's Techs[edit | edit source]

Tech MP Type Effects Image

Shop List[edit | edit source]

Weapon List[edit | edit source]

Armor List[edit | edit source]

Accessory List[edit | edit source]

Item List[edit | edit source]

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Bestiary[edit | edit source]

Charm List[edit | edit source]

New Game +[edit | edit source]

PSX Differences[edit | edit source]

DS Differences[edit | edit source]

Endings[edit | edit source]

Beyond Time[edit | edit source]

Reunion[edit | edit source]

The Dream Project[edit | edit source]

The Successor of Guardia[edit | edit source]

Good Night[edit | edit source]

Legendary Hero[edit | edit source]

The Unknown Past[edit | edit source]

People of the Times[edit | edit source]

The Oath[edit | edit source]

Dino Age[edit | edit source]

What the Prophet Seeks...[edit | edit source]

A Slide Show?[edit | edit source]

Last Words[edit | edit source]

Copyright Information[edit | edit source]

Revision History[edit | edit source]

Version 1.0[edit | edit source]

I am basically just starting out on the basic format of how I'm going to do this. For my first order of business (in terms of this walkthrough) is start with the basics controls, which I'm sure everybody know. Yet I will include them just in case they don't. I will also try to include list of all the weapons, techs, items, shops, etc. found throughout Chrono Trigger. Note to everyone, this is SNES version of the game even some of Playstation. But I'm sure the basic principle is there for the DS version as well. I'm sure never owe or played that version. But yeah, starting slowly but I eventually get there. I've always wanted to do this, now let's see how far I'll get in it. :)

Version 1.1[edit | edit source]

I got most of the character profiles done. I will most likely get that done tomorrow or the day after depending on my time. I got all of Crono's single tech. I will work on more of the singles tech as well. I've got my SNES up and running (on the computer emulator), soI can will be able to start fresh and hope to name everything you'll need to do to complete the game. For me it will be my five time to beat the game. The only difference now with this walkthrough I will try to watch all the endings this game has to offer.

Version 1.2[edit | edit source]

I finally got the information stuff done at the beginning, right before the walkthrough section is starting. I took my own screenshot of my computer and put it in the wiki so I can add the pictures here for a more detailed look of the menu if you haven't already seen. In terms of information left are the rest of the stuff right after the walkthrough section. I got so much more information to include, it's crazy. Making a walkthrough is tough work!!

Credits[edit | edit source]

  • First and foremost, I want to thanks Square in making such a great game
  • more to come.. it's only the beginning