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Japanese Name Hekeran (ヘケラン Hekeran?)
HP Defense Magic Defense
2100 253 50
250 10 1500
Weak Absorbs Immune
None None None
Location Heckran Cave (Present)
Treasure None
Charm None
Techs Water
Nereid Cyclone
Counters Water II!
Combo Counters None
Combos None

Heckran is a boss that appears in Heckran Cave in Present. Only magic can harm it.


He haves some powerful attacks, so take care of your HP too! Sometimes he will say: "Go ahead !Try and attack!".In that moment, he'll use Water 2, and this WILL hurt. In that moment, heal your characters and wait the message "brief counterattack break". After some time, you'll defeat him.


Lavos in Heckran mode

When the players fight Lavos, it will have the same strength as the bosses you've faced in the past. One of them is Heckran.