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Manor Key

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Manor Key
Description The key to the front door of Viper Manor borrowed from the stableman. Bear's Viper's Insignia.

The Manor Key (蛇骨館のカギ?) is an item Chrono Cross. It is used to gain entrance into the Viper Manor.

Info[edit | edit source]

  • Found at: Viper Manor (Another World)
  • Use: Used to open the front door to the Viper Manor.
  • Acquired: After the player enters Viper Manor, they find the Stables. Approaching the old Stablekeeper, he offers the key if the party is willing to work for it. He presumes the party members are his new stable-hands, and they must feed the dragon mounts of the Acacia Dragoons. Depending on how many the player feeds, they receive a special reward, and the key. It is not important how many mounts are fed.
Serge playing the Dragon Feeding mini-game in the stables of Viper Manor - necessary to get the Manor Key.