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Template:Marle Single Techs

From Chrono Wiki, a database for the Chrono series that anyone can edit
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Tech (PS Name / SNES Name) MP Cost TP Target Description
Aura 1 10 One ally Restore a small amount of HP to an ally.
Allure (Provoke) 1 50 One enemy Confuse an enemy.
Ice 2 N/A One enemy Attack an enemy with ice. (Ice)
Cure 2 150 One ally Restore moderate HP to an ally.
Haste 6 250 One ally Half time between turns for an ally.
Ice II (Ice 2) 8 400 All enemies Attack all enemies with ice. (Ice)
Cure II (Cure 2) 5 600 One ally Restore a large amount of HP to an ally.
Arise (Life 2) 15 900 One ally Revive and fully heal an ally.