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Chrono Wiki:Arena for the Ages

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Revision as of 02:42, 29 August 2010 by SilverCrono (talk | contribs) (archiving unnecesary old fight)
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Welcome folks, to the Arena for the Ages! This is the place where all things Chrono-related battle it out for supremacy! And, here's the best part, YOU get to watch! I'm your trusty announcer, Spekkio, and I'll be hosting these matches for you. These fights will be done in a weekly basis. Now, if you want a choose another fight to start, you can check out this page and nominate any characters you want to see! Now, before we start, make sure you read these rules!


  • All votes must not be innapropriate. In other words, keep it PG, people!
  • If you are not logged in, please vote in the Anonymous Votes section.
  • Any vote made without signing (~~~~) will be removed. I can't stress that enough.
  • Please keep all voting and discussion related to the fight on hand.
  • All discussion should be done in the Wi-Fi Center.
  • Don't vote for old fights.
  • SilverCrono Spekkio is the leader of the Arena. Uwe hee hee.
  • And above all, have fun with it!

Follow these, and you should have it in the bag! Now, onto the fights!

Chrono Trigger vs. Chrono Cross vs. Radical Dreamers

Chrono Trigger

Chrono Cross

Radical Dreamers: Nusumenai Hōseki

The three games. I made them three for teh lulz. That'll be $5

Votes for Trigger

  1. The only one I've played. Oh, and REJOICE THE EPIC 3 WAY FIGHT 8D --SilverCrono (Talk | contribs) 19:47, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
  2. The epic game duel! I'm going with Chrono Trigger DS version or SNES version! I just found it so much FUN!! First game and very few game I've tried to get all the endings. :) Zeypher 09:50, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Though I do pity that the others shan't get very many votes, I love CT. Only one I've played, and tied as fav RPG evar along with FF IX. Kupohunter 21:56, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Anonymous Votes

Votes for Cross

  1. I can't explain why I like it better. I just do. Sol Vent 00:54, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
  2. With the possible exception of The World Ends with You, Chrono Cross is the greatest game I've ever played. --Moocowisi 01:36, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Anonymous Votes

Votes for Dreamers

Anonymous Votes

Wi-fi Center

I think this might be better without Radical Dreamers. I didn't find that one as enjoyable as the other two. And it was never released in the States, was it? If only they remade to something worth playing instead of that text-based game they've released.... just saying. Zeypher 12:30, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

They kinda did. It was called "Chrono Cross." Sol Vent 16:41, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Yes Kinda... more like they revamp to something different with related characters and story. But when you look at it, it is really different from one another. Zeypher 17:09, August 25, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, but "something worth playing instead of that text-based game" would probably be pretty different from Radical Dreamers, anyway. Though RD's "worth-playingness" is up for debate. I haven't played it, myself. Sol Vent 16:28, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

I've attempted it, but it wasn't my cup of tea... :) Zeypher 16:30, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

Chrono Crisis vs. Crimson Echoes

Week 6
First Contestant Winner! CRIMSON ECHOES Second Contestant
Chrono Crisis vs. Crimson Echoes
Winner! CRIMSON ECHOES The two fan games!! Which is better? Winner! CRIMSON ECHOES
Voting Line

Votes for Crisis

  1. Cooler logo. --SilverCrono (Talk | contribs) 19:26, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

Anonymous Votes

Votes for Echoes

1. I enjoy some of the engines used in Crisis but this fanmade game is so much more deeper and helps link both CT and CC. So I'm voting for Crimson Echoes. :D Zeypher 21:19, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

2. I've never played either, but after watching gameplay videos of both, I'd rather play crimson echoes. It seems to not only be a direct sequel, but also uses a lot of the same things. Kupohunter 23:59, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

3. I've watched every single youtube video of this unfinished game, and it feels to me like a legitimate piece of the Chrono franchise. A lot of love and effort went into it. Sol Vent 02:23, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

4. This game feels like a bridge between Trigger and Cross, and as Sol Vent said, like a true game. Its too bad that Square shut it down, I would have loved to see it 100%. - Sonicboom112

5. Crimson Echoes wins because it feels like Chrono Trigger Part II. That and the idea of changing already-established timelines not once but several times during the narrative is an awesome storytelling device.-KenoSarawa(T|B|C)~21:09, August 18, 2010 (UTC)~

Anonymous Votes

Wi-Fi Center

Enjoy. --SilverCrono (Talk | contribs) 19:26, August 13, 2010 (UTC)

Unfortunately I haven't played either but I do use youtube. Hopefully I don't make stupid arguments that aren't really true... Kupohunter 00:03, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

Worry not, Kupohunter. Neither of these games can be played at all due to... legal stuff. So the youtube videos are all we've got. However, I'm not sure about this, but I believe Chrono Crisis is being reworked as an original game. So there's hope for that. Sol Vent 02:31, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah I read that too, but there still haven't been much new news about it. Sadly... :( Zeypher 09:38, August 14, 2010 (UTC)

I see a landslide! Time for a new fight! ^_^ Zeypher 09:38, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Older Fights!

You can find older fights in the Archives for the Arena for the Ages here. All of these fights are closed, so don't bother voting. All new votes will be removed. Each archive will eventually contains 10 weeks of different fights.

Arena for the Ages ARCHIVES

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