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Crimson Echoes:Lucca

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This page contains in-universe or out-of-universe information within the pseudo-canon of Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes.

Official artwork of Lucca by Akira Toriyama.
Home Time Present
Home Area Truce
Weapon Type Gun
Magic Element Fire
Family Taban (father)
Gender Female
Friends / Colleagues Crono

Lucca is a playable character in Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Tech (SNES Name) MP Cost TP Target Description
Flame Toss 1 10 Line of enemies Burn enemies along a direct line. (Fire)
Hypno Wave 1 60 All enemies Put all enemies to sleep.
Fire 2 N/A One enemy Attack an enemy with fire. (Fire)
Napalm 4 150 Circle of enemies Bomb enemies within a circle. (Fire)
Protect 6 250 All allies Boosts all 3 allies Defense.
Fire 2 8 400 All enemies Attack all enemies with fire. (Fire)
Mega Bomb 15 600 Circle of enemies Blast enemies within a circle. (Fire)
Flare 20 900 All enemies Attack all enemies with intense fire. (Fire)