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Lightning Rod

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Lightning Rod
Lightning Rod.png
Used By Crono, Frog
SNES/PS Name Spire
MP Costs 8/4
Element Type Light
Crono Reqs Lightning II
Frog Reqs Aerial Strike
Target One enemy
Description Skewer a foe and hit with lightning.

Lightning Rod is a Tech used by Crono , and Frog .

As Crono summons Lightning II; Frog preforms Aerial Strike. However Frog leaves his sword in the enemy; which acts as a current into which the enemy receives a large bolt of lightning and the enemy glows white.


The lightning rod was invented by Benjamin Franklin during the 1700's. The basis behind it is that metal attracts the lightning to strike it, and then sends the current into the ground where it essentially becomes useless. However any metallic object is a good conductor of electricity and therefore Frog's sword(s) are legitimate conductors, and since Crono can control lightning its quite possible that he can direct it so that it ignores his own sword, or any other tall objects (trees, buildings, etc.).