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Walkthrough:Chrono Cross/Vivi Zidane02

From Chrono Wiki, a database for the Chrono series that anyone can edit

Hi out there!

Thank you for clicking on this page! This is the complete walkthrough for Chrono Cross. It is currently in progress, so you can read it up to a certin point or whatever. Also, I will try to be covering both paths when you choose to save Kid or not. Well, enough of the talking, let's get on with the walkthrough!!!!!! By the way, I might not know where all of the treasure chests are and the monsters and the exact way to go, but just go with the flow. Thanks!!!!

Part 1:

Fort Dragonia

New Characters: Serge (White), Kid (Red), Random Character

Ok, you probably have no idea where you are, but you'll recongize this place later. Anyway, you'll start of with Serge, Kid, and a random character. You'll all have Mythril equipment and all sorts of Elements, but don't get used to it, because you won't have it for long. the enemies here are not hard, so you have nothing to worry about. So you're at the elevator thing, right? Ok, you can go to the left if you want and get a glimpse of the thing you're supposed to get to, but it's pretty much a waste of time. Go through the set of stairs until you get to the shiny thing on the rock. Click on it to turn it off. Now, go around to get to the teleporter with 3 circles, and then you'll get teleported. Now you're on top of the sky!!!!!No, just kidding. But you're pretty high up. Anyway, after you go up to the gate straight ahead, there will be an MM (Movie Mode), and you'll end up at....

Arni Village

New Characters: Serge, Poshul (Yellow)

Whew, what happened? What a dream...........Anyway, new place to explore!!!!!! There is a training center somewhere here, where you can fight Radius, this old dude, there is a shop, a restaraunt, and a new character perhaps. Anyway, if you look under you're bed, you'll find 200G!!!! Somewhere in your room is some Tablets, too. Check out the second house on the right, go downstairs and listen to a guy's soliloquy for the [SawTooth Necklace] key item and search the cart in the center of town for the {Seashell} custom frame. Enter the restaurant and search the "barrel" a few times for a free element and look for the [Heckran Bone] key item in the back room. Also, give a [Komodo Scale] to the small boy near the element shop for a reward. Check out the Chief's house paintings for a free cure element, and give the [Heckran Bone] to the pink dog in the yard to recruit your first character! once you've had your fill of the village, go north to the docks to meet your girlfriend, she gives you the quest of collecting 3 [Komodo Scales] from Lizard Rock to the west, and you're on your way.

Lizard Rock

BOSS: Mama Komodo (Blue)

There's a lot of treasure and enemies here, don't worry about dying until you're fighting the 3rd Komodo Dragon, in order to catch them here are the methods, make sure to keep your health high with tablets and cure.

  1. Scare the dragon, roll the big pink shell, scare it again and it'll get stuck, easy
  2. climb the tree in the second area south, beat some bums, and jump it!
  3. run run run as fast as you can, you can catch him, he's just pretty fast.

On the third fight, save up your power and elements, and prepare for your first boss, the Mama Komodo. It's big, it's bad, and if you didn't pack any heals going in you might be in trouble, but it's a simple and straightforward fight, just whack her til she crumbles beneath your feet. after that, finish collecting your booty and head to Opassa Beach.

Opassa Beach

WARNING! Once you start talking to Leena, you won't return to this area for a while, so check out the rest of the area before you go, like Cape Howl for some free stuff. Leena will talk about your childhood and promises made, agree with her (you'll thank me later), you'll "hear" a voice calling from the ocean, and then things get weird. A cut scene appears where you get swallowed by a huge wave and you end up passed out on the beach. You're eventually awoken by an old man with a komodo dragon, who says it's dangerous to sleep on the beech, and that Leena's back at Arni Village. Go to the world map and head to Arni.

Lizard Rock

? For some reason you can't walk across lizard rock anymore, and there's a danger sign. There's new red opassa fish flying around now, and the treasures have reset, do what you need to and head home to find out the cause of this weirdness.

Arni Village?

New Character: Leena (Blue)

back in Arni? town's changed. A LOT. go around and talk to the villagers to find out what's up, Leena's at the dock watching her siblings, as usual, and she tells you that you've been dead for several years, find the new treasures in town (yes, including a pot that's "probably just a pot"), and head to Cape Howl to verify your death.

Cape Howl

New Character: Girl

BOSS: Solt and Peppor (Yellow), and Karsh (Green)

Climb the cape collecting the goodies along the way, make sure you're all healed up for the next fight. When you find "your" tombstone, you're confronted by Karsh and the Shaker Brothers, claiming that you're a ghost, even though you don't look like one. Cry as Poshul gets punted off a cliff, and be rescued by a girl in red. She has several powerful red elements that make this battle easier, just make sure to finish off Karsh or Solt first. Afterwards, the trio make a quick escape, and she reveals her name is Kid, refuse her invitation for now, otherwise you won't be able to recruit Leena. She leaves in a huff and Poshul returns, getting you to sleep back at Arni.

Arni Village?

New Character: Mojo (Black)

Leena wakes you up in your old room which is now run by a komodo dragon, and she explains she'll join you because you seem to have a mental or memory problem, and that it's dangerous to go alone. next, go to the house you got the [sharktooth necklace] and give it to the guy surrounded by idols, he'll explain that he was originally going to be a fisherman, but things change, and he decided to devote himself to his idols, Mojo will hop off his alter afterwards and explain that he's an avatar of love, he's your first black element character, and could help in the next area. Afterwards, head north to Fossil Valley.

Fossil Valley

BOSS: Solt and Peppor (Yellow)

Head into the valley, claiming to be an exorcist, it's pretty straightforward, whack some dingos and climb the ladder guarded by a dragoon. After climbing the ladder, go to the dragon skull making wind noises, and get the [Heavy Skull], check behind the dragon head for another item, and climb the cliff to get the [Bell Flower]. Next, head down the ladder which a guard is says there's a monster down there to get the [Big Egg], defeat the Dodo, and head for the northern exit, ready for round 2 with Solt and Peppor. These two nincompoops get a black element to combat Serge with, but they get a TURN element, not an ATTACK element, and explain what went wrong and why. Beat them silly and head northwest to Termina for a big decision.


New Character: Guile (Black), Pierre (Blue), or Nikki (Blue)

Head into town, and encounter kid, if you have Leena in your party, she'll leave in a huff again and refuse to meet you til you go talk to the old man upstairs polishing his statue, and she'll ask to join your party (again) take her this time, her lvl 3 tech skill is steal, making her a nice addition to every team. go through town, buying Viper Churros, collecting treasure like the money purse at the mansion beneath the stairs, and chatting folks up such as the guy hidden in the shade near the statue. An important event if you don't want to miss the guy with the first or second most attack in the game is going down the stairs on the east side of town, you'll find a man and a lady at a swordsman's memorial, give them the [Bell Flower] for free and you're set, if you're greedy and hate people who ask for stuff, keep it below 100 and you should be fine. You've probably already fount the 3 people who want in Viper Manor, giving you options of different bosses, treasures, and experiences. First you'll probably meet is Guile, a mysterious magician who wants in as part of a bet, though he'll need a skilled boatman to get to the rear of the manor. Second is Pierre, who's missing his hero's medal, and he'll offer to take you through the front gate for returning it from the kid in the blacksmith's yard. Third is the Radical Dreamers rock group are missing their lead guitarist Nikki, and Miki (Red) offers to temporarily join to help find him in the Shadow Forest. Whoever you pick, you get in Viper Manor, so make sure you visit Lisa's and pick up plenty of healing and attack elements.

Manor Bluffs

BOSS: Moamen (Blue, Black, and Red)

If you picked Guile, Korcha will take you around the rear of Viper Manor to scale the bluffs, when you start climbing a dragoon will start throwing boulders to prevent your ascent. climb up dodging rocks and grabbing treasure, once you get near the top, a large black birdman will off the guard, making the rest of the climb more relaxing, heal up and get ready for a tough fight when you reach the top. You'll encounter a group of 3 for this boss fight, Blue, Black, and Red respectively, the biggest secret for this fight is to kill either the blue or the red Moaman first, otherwise they'll use their combo tech to deal huge damage, other than that, heal as needed and it's an easy fight, then wait for night to fall .

Viper Manor (front entrance)

BOSS: Solt and Peppor, and KETCHUP (Yellow)

If you picked the self-styled "hero" Pierre, he'll walk up to the guards and literally ask if you can just walk in, they refuse you, so you can either play sick so they call for help, or charge the gates, depending on how many enemies you want to fight. after beating up the guards, the Shaker Brothers show up with their little friend, KETCHUP. The fight starts of with KETCHUP insta-killing one of your characters, no worries though, the naive Solt revives him, saying it isn't a fair fight, after witnessing their banter, focus fire on KETCHUP till he uses his ultimate tech, sacrificing BOTH Solt and Peppor for massive damage to one character, knock him out, and wait for nightfall.

Shadow Forest

New Character: Nikki (Blue)

BOSS: Solt and Peppor, Karsh (Yellow)

Shadow Forest is mostly blue, green and yellow enemies, but they're not very powerful, go through the forest, collecting some treasures, and save Nikki from a huge group of walking birdmen. After teaching them an unforgettable lesson, help Nikki into the manor by luring one of the three octopus things using the [Aroma Pouch] found in the chest in Nikki's cave, as well as an [Angry Scapula], I suggest you go the distance and get the red octopus to the monster for the [Skullduggery] frame, and continue on to the big tree and your encounter with the Shaker Brother's and Karsh. In this fight, you'll learn a little about summon elements, and that you can catch the lvl 7 Yellow summon Golem* from the Centaurpedes in the Hydra Marshes. Beat Karsh first, his powerful tech skills deal tons of damage, finish the Shaker Brothers off and continue. in the cave system you'll find a wraith blocking a stone that's letting lots of little Blue bugs out, take it out, shove the stone over the hole, and press forward, beating up the gloops and bugs you come across til you reach the bottom of the well, and wait for nightfall at Viper Manor.

Viper Manor

BOSS: Marcy (Blue), Lynx (Black)

New Character: Pip

Congratulations! It's night time at Viper Manor, and it's time for the infiltration, check the front door only to discover it's "locked", nab some treasures in the area and head towards the stables in the northwest courtyard. Avoid the green light unless you enjoy fighting the guards indefinitely. After going into the stables, talk to the dragon keeper and feed some dragons, the more you have to feed them, the harder it becomes so don't pick 100 unless you're absolutely skilled or you're super desperate for an iron helmet. After completing any challenge, he'll give you a reward and the [Manor Key] to get in the front door, so head out and enter the actual Manor.

Once you enter the manor, the only option you have is to talk to the weird snake statue and turn it left and right, you'll be wrong either way so don't bother taking your time. Afterwards, you fall into a trap, and some guards just hang out until you either bang the cage a ton or Kid provokes them for you. Beat them senseless and steal their uniforms, making you "indistinguishable" from the average dragoon, to npc's anyways, make your way to the western hallway and check the rooms out, following Glenn to the barracks to get the code, don't miss the Revive element in the chest to the southeast. Make sure you write it down if you can't remember it, and head upstairs to grab some goodies. go back downstairs and go east only to be blocked by a Cybot, so head into the treasure room and talk to everything EXCEPT the treasured necklace on the wall until the very end to avoid the trap. Afterwards you get trapped in Lucca's lab, where you become a guinea pig for her plant monster. It's a tough fight but if you have antidote and heals you should be fine. Afterwards, go to the cage in the northeast corner and unlock so Pip can make it's escape to see the world. Go into the rooms and collect treasures, if you REALLY want a good item, talk to Karsh's chest 20 times to get a dragoon gauntlet, great item throughout the game. give the snake the code, and climb the stairs, head east to the library, heal up, and get ready for Marcy.

Marcy's blue elements hurt, A LOT, so be sure to hit her fast and hard with red elements, and keep any Red character at high health, or her Ice Blast and String shot will be devastating. After hitting her til she cries, go back and trigger the elevator with the pillar that the librarian tells you about, beat some guards, save, and get ready to fight Kid's archenemy, Lynx. Lynx uses black debuffs, anti-white as a counter to white element, and hellsoul, as well as hellbound elements to wreak havoc with physical attacks. Keep Serge alive because of his White attribute,