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Forum:Youtube Channel?

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Forums: Index > Temporal Vortex > Youtube Channel?

Alrighty, It's late at night, but I just came up with this idea. Since I have to upload tech videos somewhere, and I can't do it on my Youtube Account, why don't we create a Chrono.Wikia youtube account? We can do promotion, video uploads, etc. The password would be for people who had proven themselves trustworthy, or everyone. The problem I see with the everyone idea is that, well...people could use it to boost subscriber counts, spam people, etc. I'm going to sleep, let me know what you think! --Sonicboom112 04:31, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Funny enough... I've started a forum simliar to this here: Forum:Promoting Our Wiki where I mention I will moderate the Chrono Wiki Facebook. But I was still looking for someone to volunteer to set up a Chrono Wiki YouTube channel. I personally had no experience with how to set that up. So I def support the idea of starting a Chrono Wiki youtube account.
We can upload tech animations, boss fights, sidequest tutorials, etc. As for the promotion thing... I think it should be moderated by at least two to three people. But since our community is still rather small... one will do for now. Would you willing to moderated the youtube account? I can see you have the experience necessary to make videos. I for one think this would be a great addition and way to promote Chrono Wiki even more! Zeypher 08:19, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

I'll do it! I'm gonna get started right now on a cool...everything! I'll call What should I call it? Chrono's Wiki? --Sonicboom112 11:39, September 19, 2010 (UTC)