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Forum:New Wiki

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Forums: Index > Temporal Vortex > New Wiki

SilverCrono - 02:37, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Okay, here we go.

Kingdom Hearts Wiki is finally moving. You can see their voting thread here. Anyway, this is about us. Are we moving or what? I propose we stay here, so.. yeah. Not sure what I should say here, so I'll just put up the rest >.>


Please sign your name and timestamp with five tildes (~~~~~) under the choice you want. PLEASE, BEFORE YOU VOTE, READ THIS. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS LINK.


Moving - SEIWA

  1. SilverCrono[T/C] 02:37, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
  2. Zeypher 17:17, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
  3. Kjam (talk) 20:10, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Moving - Wikki or ShoutWiki


The vote will close by Sunday, January 23, 2011. By this time, I will check out the most favorable option and get us started on moving. Please and thank you, and leave any comments and queries below. --—SilverCrono[T/C] 02:37, January 18, 2011 (UTC)

Wow trying to get this done as soon as possible. But yeah, I haven't been very active in many of my wikis to include this one. If we do move, I won't be as active with the switch over as you may like. I really don't care if we move or not as I don't see many other active users in this wiki to begin with. So moving may attract other users as we will be affiliate with other well known wikis like Kingdom Hearts. Zeypher 17:16, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
well thats true Zey, and I don't want meet up with some old faces on KH wikia. I love this place. its like a place called homebase right but I argee with you on that part my friend --Eliskuya2 19:18, January 22, 2011 (UTC)

Okay. I know its been a while, but SEIWA is finally starting up. Check out the current (under construction) website here. Discussion about the future of SEIWA, rules, and possible candidates is happening almost daily since about two days ago, and I'm a constant contender. It happens in the #SEIWA channel at freenode IRC, which can be accessed here. Come on to help out, and I've been talking to a guy who said he might be able to move us! He said he wouldn't be able to start it for about a week or two, and by that time, I'll talk to him to see if we can get a specific domain name or something. Come to the channel or let me know here if you have any questions, concerns, or requests for domain names, and I'll do my best to keep you guys posted. Thanks for reading! --—SilverCrono[T/C] 01:41, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

After long and tedious editing, the SEIWA team posted their mission statement and declaration of independence on the SEIWA website. Find it [here. Whether new to the Chrono Series and Square-Enix game or a seasoned veteran, you should check it out, see what's going on, and learn how you can help out! --Deyvid Petteys 20:30, June 21, 2011 (UTC)

[04:16:37] <Prodi> (SilverCrono): spoken to a few people about moving a wiki off wikia
[04:16:53] <SilverCrono> ya?
[04:16:58] <Prodi> it seems that the database dump only contains the pages
[04:17:04] <Prodi> images all have to be done manually
[04:17:13] <Prodi> i have a bot I u sed to use to transfer images before
[04:17:22] <Prodi> going to take a look at that, fix it up, so it can all be done automatically
[04:17:35] <Prodi> concensus has been reached that you guys are ready to move?
[04:17:49] <Prodi> no dissenting opinions?
[04:18:12] <SilverCrono> images have to be done manually?
[04:18:17] <SilverCrono> if you can provide a bot, great
[04:18:21] <SilverCrono> if not....agh
[04:18:39] <SilverCrono> but once you give the word, I'll lock editing, we should be ready to go
[04:19:42] <Prodi> kk
[04:19:59] <Prodi> doubt it'll be this weekend, as I'm going all day paintballing on sunday :D
[04:22:46] <Prodi> you tried clicking that "create export" a few weeks ago right?
[04:22:52] <Prodi> do you know how long it took before the export was ready?
[04:26:39] <SilverCrono> nope
[04:26:57] <Prodi> k
[04:27:13] <Prodi> what should the new hostname be?
[04:29:55] <SilverCrono>
[04:30:01] <SilverCrono> or something relating to Chronopedia
[04:30:23] <Prodi> have other moves from wikia stuck with the the same wiki name?
[04:30:46] <Prodi> cause it'd mean a direct fight with wikia for the search engine ranking
[04:31:06] <Prodi> might be better as ChronoWiki or something
[04:32:35] <Prodi> i don't really know which one is better
[04:32:39] <Prodi> anywayz, i gotta sleep
[04:32:43] <Prodi> will chat tomorrow night
[04:32:56] <SilverCrono> k

Yep, so lots of updates. Basically, the permanent SEIWA name is now here. And they have a forum (keep in mind it is heavily in progress) in which I am active - here. And as you can see from the IRC conversation I held last night, the move is almost ready. When Prod gives the ok, I'll have to lock editing for a while until he moves us. The reason behind this is that all wikis have a database that you can export (he asked me about this in the conversation), which you need to get all our articles to a new wiki-based, independent domain. The reason why I'll stop editing here is because with every edit, the database is behind. And we don't wanna re-do three pages of editing, do we? No, we don't. Crono is here to help ;)

There are about two forseeable problems, three actually. One is that, like Prod said, he might not be able to export our images. We'll pass that when we get there, because he said he might find a bot that can do them for us. The next problem is the length of the database lock. I'll stop editing, say, Monday, and hit the "create export" button on a page here that will update our database. With no editing, the database will be exactly what we have on the wiki, and this updated export might take a while to...well, update. So the editing lock might end up lasting for a week, maybe even longer. I don't know. All we really need for this is for you guys to trust me and don't edit (kind of weird advice for a wiki, eh?) Finally, we might not be able to get the domain I suggested, . Just to be on the safe side, would you guys mind telling me (right here) any other names you'd be fine with?

Hope this helped, guys. Crono out. --—SilverCrono[T/C] 15:33, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

The links worked without the www. Actually, they don't work with them. Anyway, this is awesome. seems to be an appropriate name for me. Besides, I can't think of a better one at the moment. We could stay with something noticeably related to the Chrono Series like (without the space). Or we could go with something more elaborate like - Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Radical Dreamers database and free encyclopedia etc. Other synonyms to consider might be atlas, handbook, directory, guide, or bible --haha, a cult of all Chrono-related chrononess. Back on topic, compendium is an obvious no-no. Does Chrono have to be in the title? I suppose it would raise the Google search spot when Chrono Trigger is typed.

Regarding images, I keep archives of all images I upload, so if finding a bot becomes a problem, we still have backups. But we could always upload directly from the wiki. As painfully tedious as that would be, I'd be willing to do it in a last case scenario. Additionally, I can resist the temptation to edit. Honestly, I've been postponing my larger edits for this reason entirely, and I'll try to spread the word to other users as well.

Another concern: Are we locking pages to prevent editing? If so, I can help with that. Might lessen the work load for you. Keep us posted. :) --— Radical D (bother \ stalk) 16:34, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

For a page lock, I wouldn't lock all pages, that would take too long; simply no editing. All edits would be reverted, but presumably noted in some way, so we can implement them in the new wiki. Glad to have some support, and about the name; I would say yes, Chrono probably has to be in it somehow, but I like the idea of, we could use that as a backup. Good to see some support :} --—SilverCrono[T/C] 18:01, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Support Support - I can live with No problemo. Straight to the point, no bells or whistles. Unless anyone else has any suggestions, we should stick with it. Although I suppose I should bring up one thing though. Wasn't Chronopedia previously called Chrono Wiki? Would Wikia raise any concerns about that after the fork? P.S. I signed up at the forums :). Looking pretty snazzy over there, I must say. --— Radical D (bother \ stalk) 02:32, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, Chronopedia used to be Chrono Wiki. I haven't really thought about Central Wikia, and they haven't really noticed us yet, so I'd say its smooth sailing. One question, though; what will we do with the wiki after the move? --—SilverCrono[T/C] 02:35, July 17, 2011 (UTC)