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Learned by Lucca
SNES/PS name Hypno Wave
MP cost 1
Element type None
TP required 60
Target All Enemies
Description Put all enemies to sleep.
Triple Techs Poyozo Dance

Hypnowave (催眠音波 さいみんおんぱ saimin onpa "Hypnotism Wave"?) (also known as Hypno Wave in the SNES/PS version) is Lucca's 2nd-level Tech in Chrono Trigger. Hypnowave is her first non-offensive and Status Effect-inflicting tech; it is also one of the only non-damaging techs to be included in a Triple Tech move, which is Poyozo Dance. Her only other non-offensive tech is Protect.

Description[edit | edit source]

With what appears to be a conductors wand or some other mechanical invention, Lucca faces the screen and taps her feet a few times. Several green rings radiate from her core.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

If Hypnowave is successfully performed, it lulls multiple enemies to sleep. A major downfall of Hypnowave is that many enemies are unable to sleep; robots, for instance. This tech is most useful against the Mother Brain's Displays in Geno Dome. These Displays, when active, will heal Mother Brain. If defeated, Mother Brain unleashes fierce magical attacks similar to Flare. The best alternative is to place them under hypnosis using Lucca's Hypnowaves, which, oddly enough, with the Displays, seems to have a higher hit rate than with most other enemies.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The prefix Hypno- is shorthand for hypnosis, which means to be placed in a dream-like trance. Wave describes a method of movement with descending and cresting motions, which conincidences with the animation of Lucca's Hypnowave. Also, Wave is commonly attached to the word sound to create sound wave, the mode of traveling sound. The music heard when this tech is performed mimics an electrical pulse and is very soft and seemingly comforting.